
What is Ovoneve?

Ovoneve consists of albumen’s whipping proteins only, which are properly stabilized by a physical process.

How do I use the product?

First it has to be hydrated in a 1:10 solution (1 part product, 10 parts water), and then it is used normally as fresh egg white.
See the Hydration section at the Recipes page.

Which is the best way to hydrate the product?

Pour the water into the mixer and add 1 part Ovoneve every 10 parts of water. Set the mixer on slow for about 6-10 minutes, taking care not to produce any foam.
See the Hydration section at the Recipes page.

How long shall the product be whipped?

Please note that once the product is whipped, it does behave (garnish) as the normal whipped egg whites, hence do not be afraid to whip it too much. To best whip the product, it is a good practice to keep on whipping even when it seems optimally whipped; this allows the proteins to best stabilize.
See the Hydration section at the Recipes page.

Shall Ovoneve be kept cool?

No. Since it contains only about 2% of moisture, it is not suitable as a substrate for the growth of any bacterial agent.

Which is Ovoneve’s expiry date?

The product’s expiry is 2 years, during which there is no product decay whatsoever.
See also the information at page Data sheets.

Once the package is opened, does the expiry remain the same?


Which is the product’s bacterial load?

The product has a very low bacterial load, as the product undergoes a 48 hours process at a temperature higher than 70 degrees.
See also the information at page Data sheets.

Who knows what you did put into the product to get such results!

To the product is added absolutely nothing. The outstanding characteristics of Ovoneve come from the quality of the raw material, from the subsequent selection of the proteins, and finally from the physical process of stabilization.

Does Ovoneve have preservatives?

No, thanks to the 2% humidity the product is stable and does not need preservatives.

Can I also make meringues?

Yes. Meringues come out great, making sure to cook them at low heat for a long time.
See also the Recipes page.

Can I make nougat?

Yes, making sure to hydrate Ovoneve in a 1:5 solution (1 part product, 5 parts water) instead of 1:10.

Does Ovoneve whip also mixing it with cream?

No, if the product gets in contact with any fat, it does not whip.

Does Ovoneve whip also mixing it with fruit juices? And with alcoholic products?

Yes, as long as they do not contain any fat.